
모서리가 둥근 회색 사각형에 테두리가 있고 입체감이 있다. 사각형 안쪽 중앙에는 짙은 회색으로 스피커 장치 모양이 있고 오른쪽 방향으로 3개의 호가 점점 커진다. 그 아래에는 짙은 회색으로 동그라미가 있고 그 안에 은색의 동그란 머리와 두 개의 팔과 두 개의 다리를 가진 사람의 형태가 있다.

The workshop allows participants to see if a website’s accessibility is working properly by using a reader program called ‘Screen Reader’ that reads text out loud for the visually impaired. Three out of ten most visted websites, including web portals, galleries, public organizations, restaurants and malls, are selected and will be read out by Screen Reader program to participants who applied to the workshop online in advance. The participants draw their perception of the websites – its design, information on the website, etc. – based on the information provided only in sound. Then they share their drawings with others and see what was different and what can be done to improve web accessibility.